While this Covid crisis has dropped hardships to students life and forced the classes to shift online, public education systems such as General Assembly (Free Friday workshops) and Coursera (Coursera for Students) PSA'd free courses for students. I'm stuck in the house bored, so why not utilize this privilege?
I completed some workshops on General Assembly earlier. I'll write about it in a separate blog.
For some reason, I've had trouble with logging in to Coursera student account with my school email but it's finally fixed for me (for my peers from Baruch, unfortunately your email doesn't work... Message me to see how I did.)!! It's a time offer though.
>>> Continue building in-demand career skills during COVID-19 with full access to 3,800 courses. Enroll in courses by July 31, 2020, to learn for free through September 30, 2020.
But especially for me as a procrastinator, things may most likely positively move forward once I become aware of the deadlines. We only have two months and a half, so I need to quickly abuse the benefit! First I switched all the courses I've been auditing to the full access course. Then I wanted a certificate. Looked for the courses that provide a certificate and found a course whose duration is 2 hours. It's an exercise course on Canva, which I'm already familiar with. Ok, let me try - and here we are my first Coursera certificate! Ta-da...!!
The certificate was granted as a result of being able to design brand logo kit. Here are the samples I created for this course.

It took just about 2 hours with a total of approx. one hour video. I am probably not gonna post this to my LinkedIn page haha, but it's the feeling of accomplishment. I loved it.
I'll post more info as I go forward, so stick around!