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Writer's picture♫Shokolatte♬

Today's Visualization (R)

code (complete):

flying_etiquette <- read.csv("")

flying_etiquette_f <- flying_etiquette %>%
  mutate_if(is.character, as.factor) %>%
  filter("" != "Never")

gathered_data <- flying_etiquette_f %>%
  select(contains("rude")) %>%
  gather(q_on_rude, res)

dichotimized_fe <- gathered_data %>%
  mutate(q_on_rude = str_remove(q_on_rude, ".*")) %>%
  mutate(q_on_rude = str_remove(q_on_rude, "on.a.plane")) %>%
  filter(str_detect(res, ".")) %>%
  mutate(rude = if_else(res %in% c('No, not rude at all', 'No, not at all rude'), 0, 1))

rude_behave <- dichotimized_fe %>%
  mutate(q_on_rude = gsub("[.]", " ", q_on_rude)) %>%
  group_by(q_on_rude) %>%
  summarize(rude_r = mean(rude))

initial_bar <- rude_behave %>%
  mutate(q_on_rude = fct_reorder(q_on_rude, rude_r)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = q_on_rude, y = rude_r)) +


bar_labs <- initial_bar +
  labs(title = "Hell Is Other People In A Pressurized Metal Tube",
       subtitle = "Percentage of 874 air-passenger respondents who said action is very or somewhat rude",
       caption = "Source: SurveyMonkey Audience", x = NULL, 
       y = NULL) 

hor_plot <- bar_labs +
  coord_flip() +
  theme(axis.ticks.x = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_blank())


end_plot <- hor_plot +
  geom_text(aes(label = scales::percent(rude_r), y = rude_r + .05), position = position_dodge(0.9), vjust = 1) +
  geom_col(fill = "purple")



rude_behave %>%
  mutate(rude_r = rude_r*100)


I never like it when the world is not nice to kids and (mostly) mothers are to blame in such situation.... I also understand there are moments that we don't want to be distracted. I hope this survey would help air companies to come up with some sort of solution for traveling kids so everyone can fly in peace.

*Btw, I wouldn't mind adults be just kicked out for not wearing a mask properly. They just need to act their age instead of acting unruly knowingly themselves.

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